MMS Friends

The Financial Follies of FrugalJo

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

About FrugalJo.

FrugalJo lives with Husband, Twin A, Twin B, Fat Cat and Rude Cat near Nice Midsize City, USA. She wears Supergirl underwear every day, considers Coffee her best friend and spends many mornings dancing her financial troubles away with her other close friends -- Moby, Beck, Madonna and the UDO (Unidentified Disco Object) in their living room.

Despite reading a stack of financial books and listening every week to all those money-realted programs on public radio, she and Husband seem unable to apply knowledge to their own situation, think home equity lines of credit are Magic Money and feel honored when banks and credit card companys increase their spending limits.

FrugalJo is a full-time stay-at-home mom and also works from home as a freelance writer. Husband works in the world of architecture and much of their family debt can be attributed to the fact that "you can't put a price on good design." FrugalJo can be contacted at [email protected].*

* Emails from Amy Grant, Oprah, or other wealthy people with TV shows are especially welcome. Emails from those that don't have TV shows -- and those who don't allow TV in their house -- are also welcome. Those who want to tell me about all the bad financial moves we're making should instead contact the producers of those money shows on NPR -- they always seem to feature people who have it soooo together and just can't figure out where to best put their extra $4000 a month. Besides, I'd rather mock you under my jealous breath while listening to you on the radio while driving to the mall than have to craft a thoughtful reply.



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