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Homemade Clean-Up Wipes
Cut the paper towels in half, put in some type of upright container and pour over any of your favorite cleaners. I use Pine-Sol, add some water, and pour over, and then remove core. It is so nice and easy when you go from room to room to clean. All you need is the container of wipes. I also keep some on hand that are good for cleaning glass/mirrors. -- Jennie from KS


Best Pre-Treaters

Dawn PowerPlus dishwashing liquid


Totally Toddler

Meat tenderizer paste (mix meat tenderizer w/water to form a paste) -- for protein stains


For a last-resort stain remover, try a little liquid dishWASHER detergent.  Scrub it in.  Be careful to test in an inconspicuous area first to check for color-fastness.


Kitchen Wipes
Instead of buying more bathroom/kitchen wipes, such as the Clorox pop up brand, I made my own. I took an empty container with a lid, and filled it with folder paper towels. Then I added my favorite cleaning solution. Instant cleanup wipes! -- Loretta, VA



WD-40 removes crayon from walls AND clothing.  


Homemade OxiClean Recipe

Mix one cup hot water, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide. Just soak the clothing in it for 20 minutes to overnight and then wash as usual. -- MM



Place a dryer sheet and warm water in crusted pots and pans overnight.  Then use the dryer sheet to wipe clean. -- Kim from MN


Spray fabric softener on a washcloth and add to the dryer in place of a dryer sheet.  This cloth can be used over and over.  -- Debbie


Nail Polish

In December my two year old son had spilled nail polish on our light gray carpet. I had tried for two months to get it out using all the tips from the Queen of Clean book, our wet-vac machine, and steam. It would thin out a little, but not go away. Finally I decided to try some 80% Ethyl Alcohol we had. Within 5 minutes of scrubbing, the nail polish spot was completely gone. I even tried the alcohol on paint I found in my sons' room. Pulled it right up. -- Leesa from AZ



To get a baseball cap clean, put in the dishwasher on the top rack, along with the dishes. When finished, stretch it, and reshape the bill, and put over a pan to air dry. -- Mary from OH


I kept an empty can of baby formula as a mini-trash can for when I cut up vegetables. When I buy veggies, I always use the plastic bag provided by the grocery store. When it comes time to cut up veggies, I use one of the plastic bag and place it inside the can. I cut out the unneeded part of the veggie and throw it in the can. When I'm done with the preparations, I just take out the plastic bag and throw it in the large garbage can. I save some time by not having to walk to the garbage can and throw out stuff each time I cut up a veggie. Less mess, less clean-up. -- Janice from TX


Instead of buying the new, wet wipes for the Swiffer sweeper, I made my own. (It took 2 wet clothes just to barely clean my kitchen floor, and I did this everyday.) I had old cloth diapers lying around that I didn't know what to do with; the really nice, thick ones. I prepared my cleaning product, put it in the sink. Then I put the diaper in, gently wring it out, and put it on the Swiffer. I have to say, because of the thickness, it did a better job of getting the floor clean, and when it was dirty I just went to the sink, rinsed it out and put it on again. I threw it in the laundry pile when I was done. I have also heard of using old receiving blankets cut down to size for this. -- Loretta from VA


Scuff Marks
Use baby wipes to clean the scuff marks (and what ever else accumulates during the day) off of childrens' shoes. I've gotten more wear out of my daughter's shoes because they still look "pretty". Also, we sell all of her old stuff at yard sales, it's a great way to clean up her shoes...and they sell like hotcakes!! -- Carolyn


The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser also works great for scuff marks!


If something gets stained and you can't wash it immediately but the stain can wait- Tie the article in a knot to remind yourself to pre-treat the stain. Have each person do this and it makes remembering easy. -- Jeanne from NY














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